Sunday, October 16, 2011

This is War

Lately I have felt a dark cloud come over my life, telling me that we no longer live in a world where we can just ignore what is going on. My friends, we are at WAR. No, I am not talking about the war in Iraq, or any war that we are fighting far away from our blessed country. I am talking about the everyday battles we fight to win the war against Good and Evil. Satan is a real being with a real cause to lead away the hearts of men into misery. I think that often we think of war as a battleground where there are soldiers with guns or planes with bombs. Well, Satan has some guns and bombs of his own and there are plenty of casualties that have been littered along the way. Satan doesn't use weapons of reality though; he uses doubt, fear, hatred, and greed to fight his battles. Our government is becoming more corrupt everyday. The morality of the world has been decreasing for a long time and yet people will still not accept the fact that they are in the midst of a very important and extreme WAR.
The choices you make everyday tip the scales of this war either in the favor of the good or bad. Let me tell you something though: the GOOD will ALWAYS WIN!!!! Satan will not be able to tempt humanity forever, but we will always have the choice to stand up for what is right, instead of standing up for what is popular and immoral. Jesus Christ is my Savior and King and I will fight for what is right no matter what the cost, no matter if I am asked to lay down my own life for Him and for this battle we are fighting against Satan. The world is not going to get any better, so you must personally make the choice to fight on the right side, or to sit idly by as everything as you know it turns to chaos and destruction. When Christ comes again, he will bring peace to the world, but will you feel peace after the choices you've made? Everyone wake up and realize that this is WAR. Whose side are you on?

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Our lesson in RS today was about the second coming. Jameson and I have been talking about it a lot too actually. Anyway, I heard an interesting concept that goes with what you were saying. She said that a lot of the second coming will happen in our heads/hearts. Which I had never thought of before. Food for thought.
