Thursday, November 14, 2013

Being a Strong Family

My daughter Olivia is almost a year and a half and already she mimics everything I do.  If I'm working out, she tries to do the movements, if I clean, she cleans, if I walk to another room, often she is LITERALLY right behind me.  I can't do anything or go anywhere without my little shadow tagging along.  I am coming to realize that soon, Olivia isn't going to be picking just my good habits, but my bad habits as well.  Recent LDS general conference talks have made me think, during the rare moments I get to myself, about being a better person and how to make my family a strong unit in a society that is constantly bashing Christian-thinking and morality.  When we talk about good, better, and best in society, often there isn't a "best" choice and often we are having to choose now between good and better.  My favorite televisions shows always seem to have some words of profanity, drinking, sexual innuendos thrown about casually with some witty humor.  I love these television shows, but I wonder what the effects of watching these shows is having in our house and on Olivia.  I've never been one to completely dismiss TV altogether and I don't think that's the direction I want to head, but there may come a time when I say enough is enough.  I found Boy Meets World playing on the tv this afternoon and I happened to start watching as Mr. Feeny was giving an 11-year-old Cory Matthews one of his full-of-wisdom lectures.

Mr Feeny: (talking about Cory's family, which he has observed as a neighbor over many years) "Their real strength comes from being a family and do you know why they're a family Cory?...Because at one time a man and a woman realized that they loved each other and pursued their unlimited potential at what may come from that love...and here you are... (Mr. Feeny gestures to Cory)  There is no greater aspiration than to have love in our lives, Mr. Matthews."  

As I watched this touching scene, I realized that TV today is lacking in Feeny wisdom.  This kind of conversation would never take place on a modern television show, because as a society we have shifted our views to accept television that has little to no worth.  I am not saying there aren't great shows out there, but what does the kind of television we are watching today say about the people we are today?  Have we become lax in our beliefs?  The reason why I find this conversation so stirring is because I felt it strongly coincides with my beliefs.  Mr. Feeny (although a fictional character) is expressing to Cory what a family is and the strength that comes from a man and a woman who choose to have children.  Now, although Mr. Feeny is fictional, the person who wrote the script is not and that person must have believed and understood how important a strong family is and the components that make up a strong family.  This specific episode took place in the 90's and I can't believe how much society has changed since then.  

We no longer believe in the same components of family that being: a man, a woman, and children.  Now, it seems a family can be pretty much whatever we want it to be.  We all have choices and beliefs that lead us down certain road, but my belief is that no family is a strong as the family that has those three unique components.  I am not going to get into any other types of family makeup here.  I believe every type of family has its own strengths, but the original family type is the strongest I know of.  I have seen this family unit in action through my mom and dad and sisters.  I have seen my sisters' families thrive through hardships and struggles that would break a soul were in not for the strength of their families.  

So how do we become a strong family in this world?  I hear many people say that the world is so bad that they would never want to bring children into it.  I feel that those fears are invalid in my case.  I know, without a doubt, that I have chosen a man who will stand by me through it all, pull me up when I have fallen, and shelter me from the storms.  I can be certain of these things because I wasn't just brought up in a strong family unit, I was also raised in a house where we were taught to love the Lord and to dedicate our lives to Him through our actions and words.  My husband was brought up in this type of family as well, and so I know that together, we will be strong enough to raise our children in a world where moral thinking is crumbling.  The question still remains, how do we become a strong family in this world?

1) I believe we become a strong family by first loving the Lord.  When we take time to strengthen our relationship with the Lord, our families will also be strengthened.

2) Service.  Charity is the true love of Christ.  When we serve our family, we can only strengthen the love we have for each other.

3) Family outings.  I recall vacations with my family and going out to eat with my family and the fun and love we all shared.  I don't remember the stress of getting out of the door or if we had to turn back because we had left a beloved stuffed animal.  All I remember is that it was fun!

4) Making each other a priority.  There are a million things to do in a day with sports, music lessons, and recitals, but when we all show up to support a family member in something that they love to do, it shows that we love them.  

5) Turning to family for help.  Sometimes our trials are too much for us to handle alone and so we need to humble ourselves and ask for help.   

The list could go on and on, but if you have a family that has a mother, a father, and a child, and your family strives to serve God then you are already a strong family unit.  We must remember too, that our family doesn't just involve blood relations, but spiritual relations as well.  We are all brothers and sisters in this life struggling to get by.  Some of us do not have the luxury of having a big family cheering us on.  We must turn towards our spiritual brothers and sisters and help them out too.  We must be there for them and cheer them on.  The goal in this life isn't just to get our own family back to our Heavenly Father.  My belief is that the family unit is the foundation of God's plan to get ALL of his children to return to him and the only way we can do that is to be mindful of those around us and help them feel the love and support they need to make the choices that will guide them back to Heavenly Father.  It's hard to imagine a world where everyone is lifting each other up and where we all love each other as our own flesh and blood, but I believe it could happen.  I believe that we have the potential to expand our love to those around us.  I can just imagine a giant pyramid of people, all standing up on top of each other and helping each other climb to their highest potential.  I believe this is the kind of love we will all have the opportunity to have.  Sharing that love with our families is just the first step to becoming like our Heavenly Father.

Society may have shifted its beliefs, but my beliefs remain the same.  I know who I am.  I know where I'm going, and I know how I'm going to get there.  Now I just need to get my family there and anyone else who wants to tag along for the ride and we'll all be good.  My family is strong and we're only getting stronger.      


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