Wednesday, July 15, 2015

You've been served!

First of all, NO! I am not being accused of anything, but I did recently get summoned to jury duty for the first time in my adult life. I wouldn't have minded going actually, since it sounds kind of interesting to me, especially if I get a really cool case, but I had to opt out because of Olivia. I've been served another way today, and not in a way I at all expected. Jordan has made friends with the local homeless people who hang out down the road from our apartment complex and today, as he was walking home, one of Jordan's new friends stopped him and gave him some flowers he had picked and told him to give them to his wife. Jordan dutifully brought them home to me. I looked at him when he entered and I could see he was holding flowers in his hands. Upon further inspection, I noticed that the flowers looked hand-picked, not store bought and I finally asked what the flowers were for.  He told me about his friends and I asked him questions, curious about the whole situation. At first, I thought in my head that the flowers didn't seem like much, but as I thought more about it, I realized that those flowers were worth quite a bit to the man who picked them. It was a hot day outside, and these homeless people sit outside all day. It would have taken a bit of effort for this man to pick these flowers in the heat. Whether the man picked these flowers for himself or to give away to someone, picking these flowers must have brightened his day a little bit, in a day where you don't have much to look forward to. I imagine most days are pretty repetitive for these people, and human interaction is one of the few things that changes for them each day.  
As I sat there folding laundry, after being given these flowers, I realized that these flowers meant a lot to me as well. These flowers represented selflessness: Someone had taken the time to do something nice for someone else in order to brighten that person's day, AND they did it when they themselves had very little, if anything, to give. To say that I was touched is an understatement. 
My mind immediately wandered to thoughts of Christ. I wondered if Christ HAD to be homeless in order to accomplish all the acts of service in his life. Christ was forced to rely on the charity of others, and yet, also gave all he could to others, whether that was a smile or touch on the shoulder to encourage someone, healing someone, sharing his meal with someone, crying with someone, or maybe, even picking flowers for someone. Christ taught, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" Matt 25:40. He further taught, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" Matt 25:34. Christ knew, that no worldly goods would get him or anyone else into Heaven. In the Book of Mormon, Jacob says, "And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good--to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted" Jacob 2:19. The riches that Jacob speaks of are not things that we can find buried in a treasure chest, or things that are bought with money. I believe the riches we receive is the joy serving another brings us, and also the knowledge that Christ has already prepared a place for us in Heaven, if we but prove we are worthy to reside with Him. We cannot just simply give large donations to charities and then turn around and ignore the person begging on the stoop outside our home. Our hearts must be turned to our fellow men. We must show love for those around us through acts of service whether big or small. I am grateful for the reminder and lesson I received today and I hope I can take it into my heart and make someone else smile the way those flowers made me smile today.      

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