Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Jordan's Graduation/Commissioning Ceremony

Paging Dr. Gisseman!!! Captain, iceberg ahead! 

It's crazy that Jordan received two titles in one day. After we moved to San Antonio, we headed back to Houston to hammer that last nail in the coffin and attend his commissioning and graduation ceremony. Both sets of parents came from Utah and we had such a good time hanging out! We felt incredibly blessed that our parents could be here to celebrate such a huge life event. The kids loved having their grandparents around and we loved showing off our new home and new town. I won't talk much about the visit, as I want to dedicate this blog to the details of this day celebrating Jordan.
The morning of his commissioning we went to get kolaches and then headed back to get ready. I ran to Dollar Tree and made him a candy bar lei. The parents were awesome at helping to get the kids ready and then suddenly we were running out of the hotel room so we wouldn't be late to Jordan's commissioning. We got there right on time (as if they could start without us) and I was taken aback by how many people were in attendance. Baylor's PR department were all set up and taking pictures and assuring us they would send us videos of the the commissioning. A friend of mine sent me a screenshot of Baylor's instragram newsfeed with Jordan as the headline. He was the star of the day! 
Dr. Porea, who was Jordan's military advisor, spoke at his commissioning and swore him in with this Oath of Office. Dr. Alicia Monroe, Dr. Klotman (the president of Baylor), and Chief of Staff at the VA hospital Dr. Kalavar all spoke. 
Of all the speeches I heard, the most memorable excerpt said that although Jordan was now a captain, he needed to gain the respect of those that have been in the Army and that may be his subordinates, but have been in the Army much longer than him. I have gained a much deeper respect for the military and especially for those who enlist in the Army just to serve our country. This was what had drawn Jordan to serve in the military initially and all the perks of the scholarship just helped him leap into it. Since we've moved to San Antonio, I have met a lot more people in the military and my love for this community has only grown. We may be sacrificing a lot to be in the military, but there are many who have sacrificed so much more than us and we are humbled to be around so many awesome people. 
Another speech spoke about the sacrifice we, as a family, had made allowing Jordan to serve in the military and as a doctor. It was nice to be recognized and I won't lie: there have been some hard times already with Jordan not around and I have a lot I need to learn to be self-reliant and independent. I'm so glad I'm around a lot of ladies who have had to learn these things already. 
Anyway, back to Jordan....The commissioning ceremony was so nice and they even had a nice cake afterwards. It was a whole affair, and I felt honored to be apart of the fanfare. 
When the commissioning was over we headed out to The Original Ninfa's for some amazing Mexican food, and then off to graduation. The kids were great and it was so satisfactory to see Jordan walk across the stage and recite the Hippocratic Oath. The day was a wonderful tribute to all the hard work Jordan has put in the last four years and thank goodness it's over! I'm so excited for this next stage of our lives together. 
Jordan has always striven to put family first. He does every menial task I pile on him when he gets home and he is so great at playing with the kids. I know he is going to be an incredible doctor and an honorable soldier. He is also a really good husband! I am so lucky to have him and I'm glad I can write this post before Father's Day to honor him. 


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