Friday, June 16, 2017

Kiddo Update

Olivia is so much fun these days! She is constantly writing words down and especially loves to take a notebook to the store so she can write new words. She gets mad at me if I try to move away from the aisle where she's copying a word. She has the biggest imagination and it's quite hilarious. She is married to a giant stuffed chicken whom she calls "Chicky" and she has many children. Her baby doll is now named "Dolphin" and her bunny is named "Flower". Her favorite show to watch is "Phineas and Ferb" and her favorite songs to sing at bedtime are "Book of Mormon Stories" and "Nephi's Courage." Her favorite food is pizza and her favorite colors are red, pink, and purple. She is so witty and sassy and I am really enjoying this stage right now. She's super helpful and has a desire to please people and do nice things for them. She has just started swim lessons again and is already 3 levels into her age group. It amazes me how well she listens to other people when they're trying to teach her something. We've also decided to put her back in ballet/tap dancing in the fall. She really loves playing with her brother. I know it won't always be like this, but I'm always going to remind them how much they loved each other when they start fighting. I'm glad I have proof of their friendship because I know I'm going to need it one day. Olivia is quickly making friends here in San Antonio and my little social butterfly couldn't be happier about that.

Romney is 7 months now! He started scooting at 6 months and he is so fast! Today he started crawling on his knees and he also pulled himself up to a standing position from a sitting position! I'm practically crying for someone to give me my baby back! He loves to eat baby food. He loves sweet potatoes, but he's not so keen on peas and green beans. He is happiest when he is playing with his sister. He can't fall asleep without his muslin blanket. He has started giving sloppy wet kisses and I've been teaching him sign language, which he is starting to respond to. The other day I was talking to someone and he laid his head on my shoulder like he was saying, "this is my mom, I love her." I love his little personality and I love how affectionate he is. It warms my heart to see how much these kids love each other and I I'm so glad I get to be their mom. These kids give me a lot to smile and laugh about.

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