Friday, December 16, 2016

Lots of Ups!

This week has been so busy! I can't believe it's the week before Christmas Eve! Olivia had her final dance class of the semester and had a mini recital to show us what she's learned. The big thing she's working on is skipping. I was so proud of her when it came time for her to skip across the stage. She hasn't quite mastered skipping yet, but she took her time slowly and confidently to skip across the floor! Olivia is a hard worker and she doesn't get discouraged easily. I really hope that I can continue to nurture those qualities and that it will make her a stronger person throughout her life. I'm glad she has had so much fun with dance and I can't wait for the spring semester to start! 
Romney has also been working hard at gaining weight this last week. It's been rough having to get up in the middle of the night for scheduled feedings, but mine and Jordan's sacrifices paid off! Romney now weighs 9 lbs 2 oz, which is more than a pound of weight gain in a week. After talking to the lactation consultant who praised us for our efforts, we've decided that Romney will have to be supplemented along with breastfeeding. He just does not have a strong enough latch and it's such a weight off my shoulders knowing how we can now move forward. We've also decided we can start feeding him on demand again at night! Last night I actually got 7 hours of sleep! It's amazing how much better I feel! In addition to all of this, we're also going to try to get Romney in to see an ENT doctor to evaluate him for tongue and mouth issues with feeding. I was worried that my milk supply wouldn't go up anymore at this point, but early this morning I pumped and got little over 3 ounces of milk, which is almost double what I normally get! I've been taking Fenugreek and I'm not 100% sure that it's been helping, but I was beaming when I saw that full bottle of milk! It's a wonderful testament to all the hard work I've put in this last week. Romney has completely changed this last week thanks to a full tummy! He's so much happier and content and he's getting a lot more sleep. What more could a mommy ask? 

This morning after getting such a good night's rest, I felt like I should get up and work out instead of lying in bed just looking at my phone. I did twenty minutes of high intensity zumba and while I can't say that my body was completely ready for that, I can say that it has mentally cheered me up this morning! Technically I have less than a week until I'm 6 weeks postpartum and cleared for working out again, so I only kind of broke the rules a little bit. Anyway, I'm starting my new year's resolution early and getting back on the wagon to work out and eat right. 

This week we also took the kids (it makes me so happy to get to say "kids") to see Santa Claus at Bass Pro Shops. Romney got to wear Jordan's old Santa suit outfit and Olivia has been dying to tell Santa what she wants for Christmas for months! She sweetly asked him for a house for her barbies and then continued to ask Santa for a shirt and a cute pants for Romney. I think she was being realistic as she knows Romney can't play with toys yet. She's such a great big sister! It seriously warmed my heart seeing those two kids sit on Santa's lap. I am so grateful for my sweet family! If I had to give away all of my material possessions for my family, they would never equal what my family means to me. This Christmas, I will just be grateful to see my kids happy and healthy and to know that we get to be together forever through the atonement of Christ. I know I've been having a rough time lately, but I feel like we've made it through the worst part of it and I couldn't have done it without my family. The sacrifices we've made to have a family are hardly sacrifices at all when you look at all we get to enjoy in this life because of those sacrifices.

This season has been made especially sweet as I hold my son and think of the infant Jesus. I'm sure Mary looked into her precious Son's face and wondered what he would grow to become, not really realizing all that he would be, and he probably exceeded all of her wildest dreams. As a parent, I know this is true of all children. They are so much better than us and they most emulate the qualities that Jesus would have us all possess: gentleness, meekness, mildness, kindness, unbidden love. I'm so grateful to have such a special reminder about what this Christmas season is really about. A long time ago, a baby was born and placed in a manger, born in lowly circumstances. As the child grew to be a man, he became our Savior and atoned for our sins and died for each one of us so that we could all have the choice of living with Him again. While he may have been born in humble circumstances, he has risen to reveal his full glory as our God and King. I am thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, this Christmas season. 

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