Thursday, December 8, 2016

Nursing issues and Army Residency Match

Today I went to see a lactation consultant because I've been worried about Romney not being able to latch well. He falls asleep so quickly while nursing, which is often a sign of a poor latch, and he doesn't seem to be satisfied after nursing, often waking immediately after we're done and inconsolable unless he's feeding. I've had a hunch that he's starving and it turns out I was right. At four weeks old, he's only 7 lbs 14 oz, barely above his birth weight. The lactation consultant weighed Romm before and after nursing on each side and he'd only gotten about 1/2 oz on each side. My supply is going down, Romm isn't gaining weight, and I'm exhausted. The lactation consultant kept apologizing to me that I've been having such a hard time with the pain with nursing, Romm's constant crying, and my lack of sleep. I felt for the first time that someone actually was trying to understand what was going on and how I was feeling. I shouldn't have to be working so hard and getting so little out of it. People keep telling me, "Oh, the pain will eventually pass," or "he'll just get better at it," but I had this nagging feeling that things were NOT going to improve unless I did something more. So now I've got an elaborate plan made for this whole next week to help increase my milk supply and get Romney's weight up. Unfortunately, that means he'll have to have supplementation with formula, but I'll be nursing and bottle feeding him as much breast milk as I can. It's going to be a hard next week and I know I'll have to keep my head up and not get discouraged and then we'll reevaluate after this week with the lactation consultant. I feel really blessed to have a place like the Lactation Foundation so close to me. I'm not sure there was anything like this with Olivia and maybe I'll actually be able to nurse Romm longer because I'm getting the proper help. All I can do is eat right, try and get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and not get frustrated with myself or Romm. I feel so bad that he's been practically starving lately. I'd cry too if I never had a full tummy. Isn't he a cutie though?! 
Well, on to a more positive note, we found out where we matched in the Army for Jordan's OBGYN medical residency and we are going to be moving to......San Antonio, Texas! I'll admit we were disappointed because it wasn't our first choice. We would have liked the opportunity for some new scenery, but I am incredibly grateful that Jordan matched and that our move won't be too difficult. It's not as humid in San Antonio and there are a lot of fun things to do in that area. We've made so many good friends in Houston that I hope we will make the time to come back and visit while we have the chance. SAMMC hospital is one of the best Army hospitals out there and I think Jordan will learn a lot and have the opportunity to become a rockstar OBGYN. I don't know what our future holds, but I'm grateful I have my little family as we travel into the unknown together. I know God's hand is there, guiding us gently through this life, and I just have to have faith that this is where we're supposed to go for whatever reason. I am incredibly proud of Jordan for matching and I have to say, I'm proud of myself for getting through these last four years. They weren't easy, especially with me in nursing school and having another baby, but the lessons we've learned are worth the hardships! Now we've got to get through the next four residency years (which I've heard are even more grueling (shudder), but we can do it! Come graduation in the spring you can call my husband "Dr. Gisseman."
Until we move, I'm just going enjoy this precious time with my family before life gets crazy again.  

1 comment:

  1. I saw your post about this on Facebook. We went through that exact same thing with Alice, but it took a lot longer for us to figure out that something was wrong. I'm so happy you have somewhere you can go for help! I felt like I had to do a lot of figuring things out on my own. If you want anyone to vent to/sympathize with, I'm happy to talk. Best of luck! (And remember, housework is waay less important than getting him enough food...I had to let lots of things slide while I was working on getting Alice enough food.)
