Friday, December 28, 2018

A Year in Review: 2018

We didn't send out a Christmas letter this year, but I still wanted to look back at the year we've had and share it will all of you!

Jordan successfully completed his intern year at SAMMC and is halfway through his second year of residency as an OBGYN. He delivered lots of babies, most recently a breech baby, and has been the primary on several Cesarean deliveries.  He submitted research for two conferences and was accepted to both: one in Hawaii and one in Las Vegas. At work Jordan is known for his good music choices and also his dad jokes. He goes by DJ Sugga (Sugar without the R) and Dad Jokes. He's also really good at external cephalic versions (turning babies inside the uterus who are positioned bottoms-up to a heads-up position for delivery).

As for me (Kayla) I did just what I planned and went back to school to finish my Bachelor degree in Nursing (BSN). My program is completely online through Schreiner University. I started in March and will finish June 2019! I'm almost there! Online school has been such a blessing, as it has allowed me to still be able to be at home with the kids this year and have flexibility during holidays and vacations. For example, I took a weekend trip with my friend Amanda to help her with Pinner's Conference in Dallas! We sure know how to have fun! Besides school, I've managed to work out all year and have really gotten into weight-lifting! 

Olivia finished swim lessons, switched from dance to gymnastics this year, turned 6 years old, and started 1st grade. She is artistically creative and gifted academically. She has taken off with reading and is busting through chapter books. She's lost A LOT of teeth this year and we all loved singing "All I Want for Christmas are my Two Front Teeth" to her. She has a fantastic sense of humor, a love or rock and roll with plans to start a family band one day, and pretty much thinks every day is the best day ever. She enjoys playing with makeup and creating makeup tutorial videos on her new camera, inventing new games, and spending time with her family. What would we do without our sunny, sassy, silly Olivia?

Romney has had a wonderful year! He turned 2 just recently in November. He still adores his blue blanket and we often think of him as Linus from Charlie Brown. He LOVES trains and yells "train!" every time he hears the train horn blow (we live close to a train track). We joke that he wakes up in the middle of the night to the sound of a train, sits up and says "train" then goes back to sleep. Romney really loves to mess with his sister, but he also loves to play with her. He often takes her toys and runs off with them and has become quite the mischief-maker. He has really taken off with his speech and I can mostly understand what he says. He is obsessed with the PJ Mask show and says "Owlette, Gecko, and Cat Boy" 100 times a day (although Cat Boy is hard for him to say and is often indistinguishable). He enjoys watching the garbage truck and recycling truck come and waves at them every time. He loves fire trucks, and we're pretty sure he thinks Santa comes around on a fire truck and not a sleigh, ever since we had breakfast with Santa at the Fire Department. He's also a big fan of Mickey Mouse. His favorite foods are pizza, popcorn, and ice cream. If you've noticed, we've had to patch his eye due to having an eye that deviates outward. We're about to enter a whole new big boy stage next week when I attempt to potty train him! He is independent, happy, polite, sometimes mean to his sister, a cuddler, and overall a true delight.  

As for trips, we have been blessed to go to Utah twice! We did a mini family/friend camping trip, went to the Rodeo and Sea World. Hosted our friends the Bean family for a night, and I took the kids by myself on a trip to Spokane to visit my sister's family. Jordan and I went on lots of dates and saw Thirty Seconds to Mars in concert and Wicked!
It truly has been a marvelous year for us and the blessings have just flowed. There have been adventures and challenges and memories made. There have been sad days and hard days and joyous days and silly days. Oscar Wilde said, "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist." I hope this post shows that our family is and intends to keep on living life to the fullest. We must experience the good with the bad, love and loss, and enjoy the pleasures of the world. God is good. He lives, and he has made it possible for us to live on this earth with our families and friends. I am forever grateful for Christ's birth and his sacrifice so we can return to live with Him again.

Miscellaneous photos from the year: 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Practice of Yoga and the Process of Repentance

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This past month I participated and completed a 30-day yoga challenge on YouTube. I decided to do this challenge because I was burnt out at the gym and needed a change of pace, one that would help me focus my mind, strengthen my body, and give me joy while working out. My short, but recurring practice of yoga was just what I needed and helped to rejuvenate me in many ways. Yoga taught me many things about the mind, body, and spirit. I learned that yoga can be a powerful method of change, and by the end of my 30-day practice, it became something I desired to have in my life every day. One of the most important parts of yoga is breathing. I want to share this quote with you about asana breathing:  

“Most of us are enmeshed in our busy lives, too stiff and fixed mentally and physically for only deep breathing to have any positive effect. This is where asana comes in. The physical movement of the asansa breaks this stiffness and makes us more flexible, which allows for the flow of energy through the entire body. Each physical movement in the asana is intended for the purpose of supporting the movement of energy through the body. One can practice as many yoga poses as they like. But if deep breathing isn’t taking place, the practice will not benefit the body. Breathing is what causes the movement of energy and what helps the body relax. An already-stiff body that tries to shape itself into different poses will only injure itself. But when we breathe deeply, we can open ourselves to feel more emotion, as well as be more in tune with what’s happening in our bodies. Breathing deeply in yoga can actually help you avoid injury.” Ron McDiarmid

For me, yoga combines all aspects of health: mind, body, spirit. People experience heavy emotional moments while practicing, or find a release of stress and tension. I truly believe our physical body is connected to our spiritual essence and when we take care of one, we are helping the other.

Meditating is a common yoga practice, but it is also something we are asked to do when we read scriptures or ask a spiritual question. We are to meditate on what we want, or what we have just read or learned. I believe yoga practice can help us prepare us for deeper learning when we study the scriptures. Yoga teaches us the basics of how to meditate and focus. The above quote explains how important breathing is during yoga practice. Breathing doesn’t require thinking, but even when we are not thinking about breathing, our body continues to breathe unless we will our breathing to stop or we focus on our breathing. In yoga, our breathing helps us lengthen our bodies and tells us when we’re stretching too deeply, if our breathing suddenly becomes shorter. Breathing helps to protect our bodies, be in tune, and feel more emotion as McDiarmid says.

Similarily, the practice of yoga, is a lot like repentance. Consider the following quote from Russell M. Nelson, the prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints:

"Can we begin to see the breadth and depth of what the Lord is giving to us when he offers us the gift to repent? He invites us to change our mind, our knowledge, our spirit, even our breathing. For example when we repent we breathe with gratitude to God who lends us breathe from day to day and we desire to use that breath in serving him and his children. Repentance is a resplendent gift. It is a process never to be feared. It is a gift for us to receive with joy and to use, even embrace, day after day as we seek to become more like our Savior."

When we practice yoga, we are focused on our bodies and the wonders they are. We are thankful for what our bodies can do, and seeking for change in a gentle, but powerful way. Yoga should never be painful and it doesn’t matter how deeply we go into a stretch, only that we feel the stretch and feel the blood flowing. Our bodies are strengthened. Yoga doesn’t just serve ourselves, but it serves others as we set an intent at the beginning of our yoga practice, and at the end send loving thoughts out to the world from our mind, body, and spirit.   

Likewise, President Nelson suggests that when we partake in the repentance process that we are asked to changed our mind, knowledge, spirit, and even breathing. We are to give thanks for all we have to God. We are to focus on our breathing and the life that we have, and use that breathing to serve others. Throughout a yoga practice, you are often asked to check on your breathing, to confirm that it is not becoming too labored or to bring it back to steady breathing. It is the same when we feel the desire to repent. We must realign ourselves with what God wants for us and ask ourselves if there is anything out of line in our lives that is blocking us from our spiritual connection. Checking in on your spiritual breath is not a time to berate yourself for being unsteady or weak, but a time to embrace your weakness and allow God to step in to strengthen you. Let Him gently bring your breathing back to match His, so that you are one.

Like yoga, repentance, which is a positive change, should never be feared. While repentance can be uncomfortable and can stretch us in ways we didn’t know we could move spiritually, its effects are positive and lasting. The repentance process can bring on powerful emotions, but those emotions can give us a release of guilt when we have a change of heart and a desire to follow God’s commandments. 

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Yoga and repentance are both recommended daily. As we strive to repent, we set an intention to change and do better, to learn and to grow, and to be an instrument in God’s hands, to help others and send good out to the world. Repentance, similar to yoga breathing, makes us more malleable to God’s will. With a focused heart, we are able to hear the promptings of the Holy Ghost more clearly. We are supported by the Spirit and strengthened, gaining a deeper knowledge of His desires for us.

If we are not repenting, then we cannot receive full assistance from the Spirit. We can continue keeping other covenants, but when we practice without the intent of repenting or only give half efforts, the practice does not benefit us. When we refuse to repent, we open ourselves up to spiritual injury. Yoga and repentance both ask us to put our best self forward every day. Both practices affect those around us, although those effects are not always visible. Please understand that when you are participating in repentance, that others will notice the changes taking place in you and you will be more able to give of yourself and willing to make the world a better place. One large difference between yoga and repentance is that yoga is not a requirement for our salvation, whereas repentance is. Yoga can be related to repentance, but it does not bring us the peace that only Christ can give us when we follow Him, for His peace his everlasting. 

John 14:27 says “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” 

After my 30-day yoga challenge, I have decided that what I desire most, is to obtain the peace that Christ will give me if I repent and follow his commandments. I’m going to continue with my yoga practice, because it brings me joy, but I’m also going to commit myself to becoming a better follower of Christ and check my spiritual breath often, so that I can stretch deeper and move in all the ways God has in store for me. Namaste and God's peace be with you." 

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